Homepage of Lars E. Pettersson

Site information

Site information

This site is written in XHTML, HTML, CSS, using org-mode with emacs. If you find any error in the coding, layout, etc., do not hesitate to tell me so, I appreciate feedback. The code should, in most cases, be fully validated as XHTML 1.0 Transitional or Strict by the w3c validator at http://validator.w3.org/

The site has since January 2016 become a secure site (uses https) using certificates from the Let's Encrypt project.

Information about XHTML, HTML, CSS, emacs, emacs org-mode, and Let's Encrypt can, among other sites, be found at

My emacs setup may be found at the Linux page.


If you have any questions, please write to lars@homer.se.


Get the latest version of Fedora from https://getfedora.org/.

Schedule for the upcoming version will be found at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule.


Get the latest version of CentOS from http://centos.org/download/.

Author: Lars E. Pettersson - Created 2016-01-15 Fri 11:36 - Using: Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.3.3).